Subject Associations/Societies
There are Sectional Associations and Societies in different subjects:
1. Commerce Association
2. Economics Association
3. English Association
4. Pol. Science Association
5. History Association
6. The Oriya Sahitya Samaj
To conduct seminars, symposium and topical discussion in the respective subjects.
To organise cultural competition and to award prizes to successful candidates.
To observe Annual day.
To invite reowned speakers to address the society.
To promote intellectual activities.
Constitution of the Subject Societies:
All students of the college offering the particular subject and the teachers of the respective subjects are the members
of that society.
The affairs of the Society/Association are managed by an Executive Committee, consisting of:
a) President: Principal Ex-Officio.
b) Vice-President: The Head of the respective Departments.
c) The other teachers of the departments as Ex-Officio members.
d) The Vice-President shall maintain the accounts of the Association.
e) He shall give notice of all meetings and record minutes of the meetings.