Student’s Union
Constitution of the Student’s Union
The name of the Student’s union is Ganjam College Student’s Union. The student’s union shall remain the sole organisation
of the students of the college to foster cultural unit, understanding, fellow feeling and all around intellectual growth and development among the
students of the college.
Function of the Student’s Union:
The function of the union shall be:
a) To organise academic discussion, debates, symposium and lectures on subject of general and cultural interest.
b) To invite eminent persons to address the Union.
c) To organise Social activities.
a) Any student whose name is struck of the rolls of the college, shall ceases to be a member of the union.
b) The meetings of the union shall be open to all the members of the teaching of the teaching staff of the college, who, if they so desire may take part
in the proceeding of the meeting without the right to vote.
The Executive:
The following shall constitute Executive of the Union.
a) President
b) Vice-President
c) Secretary
d) Assistant Secretary
e) One class Representative from each class to be nominated by the Principal.
f) One Girl’s Representative elected by the Girl students on the rolls reading in Degree classes.
The Advisor:
a) There shall be an Advisor of the Union appointed by the Principal from among the member of the teacing staff of the college. The Principal may, if he
so desire appoint associate advisors from among the members of the teaching staff to assist the advisor.
b) The advisor shall be present at the meetings of the executive and the union, he will help the proceedings of such meetings useful suggetions for proper
conduct of the meetings.
The Secretary:
a) Any meeting of the union is eligible to contest for the office of the Secretary of the Union.
b) The Secretary shall arrange debates, select the topic in consultation with the advisor and the president, issue notices of all meetings held under
the auspices of the Union and record minutes thereof.
c) The Secretery is liable to execute all decision of the executive.
d) The Secretary shall be in charge of the accounts and whenever necessary shall give a reuisition of money to the Principal through the Advisor as
approved by the Executive. The Advisor will draw the money. The secretary shall submit vouchers for expenditure for the amount already drawn through the
Advisor before subsequent requistion.
Assistant Secretary:
a) Any member of the Union eligible to contest for the office of the Asst. secretary of the union.
b) The Asst. Secretary shall assist the secretary and in his absence shall discharge all the duties of the secretary.
The functions of the Executive Body:
a) The Executive of the Union shall continue to function inspite of any vacancies in its membership.
b) To draw up the programme on the activities of the Union for the session and to adopt the Union Budget for the session.
c) The Executive shall manage all affairs of the Union in Consultation with the Advisor and the proceedings of the meetings shall be submitted to the
Principal for his approval by the Secretary.
d) In the absence of the Advisor and the Associate Advisors, the Principal shall depute some other member of the teaching staff to discharge the duties
of the Advisor.
e) The Advisor may preside over a meeting if specially requested by the President.
f) The President may refer to the Advisor any rule for interpretation and the decision of the Advisor, when so reffered to shall be final.
The President:
a) Any member of the union is eligible to contest for the office of the President of the Union.
b) The President shall preside over all ordinary meeting of the Union and of the Executive at which he is present. He shall be responsible for the
maintenance of order & interpretation of the rules.
The Vice President:
a) Any member of the Union belonging to the 1st year and 2nd year of the degree class is eligible to contest for the office of the Vice-President of
the union.
b) In the absence of the President, the Vice President shall discharge his duties.
c) The funds of the Union shall be controlled by the Principal.
d) The quorum for meeting of the Executive shall by fifty percent.
Vacancies in the Executive Body:
a) the members of the Executive shall hold office for the entire session unless they
i) Cases to be members of the Union.
ii) Voluntarily resigns in writing addressed to the Principal.
b) A motion for a vote of non-confidence against any member of the Executive who fails to discharge his duties properly can only be brought forward
before the General Body for consideration, provided at least 33% of the members of the union sign requisition to the effect. On receipt of such a
requisition the Principal shall direct an extra ordinary meeting of the Union to be held for that purpose, giving at least seven clear days notice
passed only if not less than 60% of the Union vote class who loses confidence of his class may be class. The same procedure is also to be applied in
case of Girl’s student representatives.
c) Not standing with the above rules all office bearers shall vacant office at least four weeks before the college closes for the summer vacation and
shall hand over charge to the Principal or his nominee on a date prescribed by the Principal.
d) If any office falls vacant inspite of these arrangements, the same amy be filled by nomination by the Principal.
Annual Meeting:
a) With in 10 days after the elections are over the annual meeting of the union will be held, where.
b) The out going Secretary will submit the annual statement of accounts.
c) The out going executive will be relived.
d) The newly elected executive shall assume office.
e) Amendments to the nominee shall preside over the annual meeting.
Ordinary Meeting:
An ordinary meeting of the union may be held once in a fornight. Such meeting shall be arranged by the Secretary in consultation with President and
with the approval of the advisor. The Secretary shall be responsible for issuing notice of such meeting at least 2 days proir to the date of meeting
mentioning particulars such as the time, date, meeting place and subject matter.
Extra-Ordinary Meeting:
a) An extra-ordinary meeting of the Union may be converted by the Principal.
1. at his direction or
2. on the request of the Executive in writing to the Principal or
3. on a written requisition addressed to teh Principal and signed by not less then 30% of the members of Union.
b) The Principal or his nominee shall preside over any extra-ordinary meeting.
Executing Meeting:
a) An ordinary meeting of the executive of the Union may be called by the Secretary in consultation with the advisor for purposes mentioned under Article 2
A Notice of such a meeting with date, time place and agenda shall be notified to member atleast 2 days prior to the meeting on the students
b) A meeting to the Executive shall be prescribed over by the President or in his absence the Vice-President or in the absence of both by any member of
the Executive elected at the meeting in the presence of the advisor.
Procedure in the meeting:
a) In the absence of both the President and Vice-President for an ordinary meeting, the members present will elect a chairman from among themselves, the
Advisor or his deputy take the chair untill the election is over. The Chairman shall discharge all the functions of the President during the meeting.
b) At the commencement of each ordinary meeting the Secretary shall read the minutes of the last ordinary meeting and subsequent meeting of the Union, if
any. The minutes on being approved by the present members shall be signed by the President.
c) Every speech shall be relevant to the subject of debate or the amend ment proposed. No personal reflection shall be made in course of the meeting.
d) No member other than the mover of a motion shall speak more than once in course of the debate. At the conclusion of the debate, the mover may at his
option reply to the debate.
e) The mover and the opposer may speak for five minutes each. The other spekers shall for not more than five minutes each, the time limit can be altered
at the meeting shall not last for more then two hours.
f) The President may if he so desires take part in the debate, the Vice-President or in the later’s absence some one else at the President’s request take
the chair while he does so.
g) For each ordinary debate the Secreatry shall in consultation with the advisor, request a member of the staff to serve as an observer. At the conclusion
of the debate & voting the observer shall offer his constructive remarks with a view to improve standard of the debate.
Discussion of an Amendment:
a) The president of an ordinary meeting shall decide the oreder in which the amendments are to be moved.
b) No amendment shall be discussed which is not duly seconded in the meeting.
Voting on the Debate:
a) At the conclusion of the debate as soon as the mover of the motion has exercised or formally waived his right to reply. The amendments if any shall
first be put to vote. If the amendments are carried, the motion as amended shall be put to vote. Voting shall ordinarily be by show of hands.
b) If the vote are equally divided, the President shall decide the question by casting his vote.
The President may call any member or order if a member disobeys or disregards any order or ruling of the President. The President may take such steps as
he deems desirable or even ask the member to withheld from the meeting.
Amendments to the constitution:
a) Amendments to any of these rules shall be considered in the Annual Meeting of the Union.
b) No amendment will be in order which is not duly seconded and of which six day’s notice has not been received by the Principal.
c) Amendment before it becomes effective must be passed by a majority of three-fourth o fthe member present at the annual meetings and must receive the
approval of the Principal.
The Principal shall be the final authority and his decision shall be final in all matters related to the students union.