Ladies Common Room
The Executive Committee:
a) Precident (Principal Ex-Officio)
b) Vice-President: Any lady member of the teaching staff to be nominated by the Principal.
c) P.E.T of the college.
Functions of the Executive Committee:
a) To frame and adopt the Budget.
b) To draw up a list of Newspapres, journals, Magazines and indoor games articles to be used in Ladies Common Room.
c) To promote indoor games and literary activity among the students.
Functions of the Secretary:
a) To ensure that all newspapers, journals, magazines and articles of games are properly used by students.
b) To ensure that Common Room is always kept neat and clean, furniture properly and reading material laid out on the table properly.
c) To assist the Vice-Precident in the managemnt of the Commom Room.
The Asst. Secretary shall assit the Secretary in all matters. The Asst. Sec. shall assume the charges of the Secretary in
the later’s absence.
In all matters relating to the Ladies Common Room the Principal’s decision shall be final.