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1. Brief History of the Department: The Department of English started functioning from the session 1970-71. It always envisions motivating the students of the locality for higher education and excellence in English language and literature. This department has produced a large numbers of students who are engaged variously in teaching, research and other fields in both Government as well as private sectors.

The department has been organizing seminars and workshops on a regular basis to encourage students to present seminar papers related to various topics relevant to their syllabus.


  • To offer a dynamic and interactive English Education that engages students in the learning process. To Provide a constructive learning, to promote self assessment, motivation, decision making and analytical skills.


  • To provide students with an education of the highest quality in English language, in literature written in English and in critical and creative writings.
  • To produce employable and dynamic graduates.

2. Year of Establishment:

  • General: 1970-71
  • Honours: 1981-82 ( For 16 seats letter No. 3754 dt 31-03-1982)
    (Hons. increased to 32 letter No. 3060 dt. 30-06-2015)


  • i) Name of the Programme: Bachelor of Arts English Honours
  • ii) System of Evaluation: Internal Assessment through monthly tests, Mid-terms and End terms Examinations conducted by Berhampur University, Berhampur.


  • i) No of Teaching Posts Sanctioned: Six (05)
  • ii) No of Teaching Posts filled: Four (04)
Sl.No. Name Qualification Designation Specialization Experience Profile
01 Dr. Smaranika Hota M.A., M.Phil., PhD in English Reader Twentieth Century Fiction,  Indian Fiction in Englih 27 Years
02 Smt. Mamata Padhy M.A., M.Phil., in English Reader Indian English Literature 32  Years
03 Dr. Durga Prasad Dash M.A., M.Phil., PhD in English Lecturer Modern British Theatre, Indian English Literature and ELT 18 YEARS
04 Miss Arundhuti Singh M.A., M.Phil., in English Lecturer Dalit Writings, Diasporic Literature and Eco-criticism 2 Years

Seminar/Conferences/Workshops Conducted by the Department:

Sl. No. National/State Seminar Title Date/Duration No. of Participants
01 State Level Resistance Literature: Genesis, Theory and Praxis 30th January, 2019. 120
02 National Level Ecocriticism and Environmental Ethics 26th and 27th October, 2022 200

Activities of the Department

Sl. No. Activity Date No. of Participants
01 Departmental Seminar on “Post Colonial Literature” by Resource Person Dr. Gagan Bihari Purohit 31st March, 2022 80
02 National Webinar on ‘Reading Literature Across Boundaries” by Resource Person Prof. Bijaya Kumar Danta, Central University, Assam 12th February, 2022 100
03 Book Reading Session of Kazuo Ishiguro’s Klara and the Sun 27th April, 2022 80
04 Special Lecture on Chetan Bhagat and Popular Literature by Resource Person Dr. Rabindra Kumar Pradhan 24th February, 2023 100
05 World Poetry Day Celebration 21st March, 2024 60

1)  Teaching Method adopted to improve Student Learning:

  • Inquiry Based Learning
  • Project Based Learning
  • ICT enabled teaching mode
  • Regular Departmental Seminars
  • Classic literary movie adaptations were shown to the students
  • Several students actively participate in various outreach programmes being members of NCC, NSS and YRC.

2)  SWOC Analysis of the Department:


  • of experienced and dedicated faculty over the years.
  • Curriculum that suits the need of the Programme


  • Socio-economic background of many of the students (some of them are first and second generation learners) admitted in the college is responsible for poor language competence (both in their mother tongue as well English). This leads to an unsatisfactory level of comprehension and communication particularly in the first two semesters.


  • Employment opportunities in the field of Teaching and Research, Journalism, Content writing, Corporate communication, Soft Skill Trainers and Translators


  • To bring the best students into the Department
  • To make English language and literature a popular subject

3)  Future Plan of the Department:

  • Introduce PG programme in the Department.
  • Establishing a Language Laboratory
  • Planning to start a Self Financing Course in “Certificate in English and Communication Skills’.
  • Conducting Training Programme in collaboration with external agencies like British Council, ELTI.
  • Conduct National Seminars at regular intervals for student exposure

Student Enrollment Profile:


Sanctioned Strength of the Department: 32
Year 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24
Category M F T M F T M F T M F T M F T
S.C. 01 01 01 1
SEBC/OBC 01 02 03 06 03 06 3
General 01 02 01 01 04 01 06 1
Total 01 07 14 18 05
  • Student Diversity:



Pass Percentage of Final Year Students of the Department:

Year No of Students Appeared No of Students Passed No of Students with Distinction No of Students securing above 60% Pass Percentage Remark
2019-20 03 01 NIL NIL 33
2020-21 NIL NIL NIL NIL 00
2021-22 01 00 00 00 00
2022-23 07 04 03 04 57
2023-24 13 12 10 12 92


  • Student Progression: (last 5 years) : No. of Students joined Higher Studies: 03

No of Students joined Service in Govt. /Pvt. Sector: Data Not Available

1)Student Participation and Achievement:

  • Miss Samikshya Das
  • Miss Hemalata Reddy led a dance group, which secured 1st position in a group dance competition at Inter College Block Level Competition in 2022.
  • Malaya Kumar Bariki secured 2nd position in painting competition organized by NAC Ganjam in 2022.
  • Miss Madhusmita Dash

2)   Faculty Achievement:

  • Dr Durga Prasad Dash has completed 3 Months NCC Pre Commission Course(PRCN/NAVY (SD) -04 at NCC Officers Training Academy,Kamptee, Maharastra, 26 July to 23 Oct 2021.

3)  No of Students receiving scholarship from Govt. /Other Agencies:

4)  Student Enrichment Programmes undertaken by the Department: Regular Departmental Seminars are organized.