Dramatic Society
There shall be a Dramatic Society of the College called “Ganjam College Dramatic Society”.
All the student of the college shall be the member of the society.
The Principal of college shall be the Ex-Officio President of the Dramatic Society.
The affairs of the Society shall be managed by a Executive Body Consisting of the following members.
a) The President: Principal (Ex-Officio)
b) Vice-President and Associate Vice-President: To be nominated by the Principal from among the member of the Teaching staff.
c) The Secretary: To be elected from among the member of the Teaching staff.
At the beginning of the session every year election shall be held to the different offices of the society alongwith the
college Annual Election.
The executive body shall perform the following duties:
a) Prepare and pass the budget of the year.
b) To stage the annual drama every year.
c) Selection of annual drama and the probable date on which it will be staged.
d) Conduct inter class one act play competition, if funds and time permits.
e) Perform such other duties relating to performing Arts.
f) Neither the Secretary nor Asst. Secretary is eligible to act in the Annual Drama.
g) The Secretary shall keep the minutes of the society.
h) The Vice-President shall be incharge of accounts.